Healthy businesses grow. However, there are three distinct options for growth. As we step into a new season, with deregulation on the horizon and over $1.9 trillion in private capital waiting to be invested, the way we think about growth matters.
Last week when I was speaking to a group of midmarket business owners, I shared the importance of value as the most important metric a business owner should know. Yes, we need to track cash flow, revenue, and profit, but knowing the value of the business is critical. In this article, you'll find a contrast between a business with an average value and a business with a premium value. There is also an invitation to discover the value of your business based on a database of current industry multiples and data on over 50,000 recent business sales combined with key qualitative value drivers. (Message me if you'd like to estimate the value of your business.)
Operational excellence is critical. So is innovation. So what do you do to fix an out-of-balance organization?