When constructing a business, much like building a house, the materials you choose determine its strength, longevity, and ultimate value. Are you building with materials that will withstand the test of time, or are you cutting corners for short-term gains?
Today, we inaugurate a president with a business background who recognizes a fundamental truth: value creation is the engine of the economy.
This is the time of year when we set goals for ourselves and our businesses. Business goals often include targets for revenue and profit growth. You may set goals around improving your culture or enhancing customer experience. However, the one goal that rules them all is a goal that many business owners fail to set with clarity and confidence: business valuation.
Healthy businesses grow. However, there are three distinct options for growth. As we step into a new season, with deregulation on the horizon and over $1.9 trillion in private capital waiting to be invested, the way we think about growth matters.